Web Content: Tips for Getting Something on the Page

blank papersI’ve been conducting research and compiling images for a comprehensive review of a great free online imaging tool. But you’re not going to read about that now, because I woke up with a cold. Instead, I’m going to refer you to some tips for getting something on the page on the days when the content just ain’t happening.

Tip #1
Create a resource list using other people’s work. This post is an example. I found some posts that address finding inspiration for blog articles and voila ! Instant blog post.

Tip #2
Scan this exhaustive (and when you have a cold, exhausting) content resources list from Lorelle on WordPress that will surely have an idea or 10 that will point you in the right direction for content creation.

Tip #3
Check out these 18 types of blog posts from Darryn at ProBlogger. One of these ideas might jar your thinking process a bit so you can come up with something new.

Tip #4
Use Zemanta. If you have a self-hosted WordPress blog and you don’t already use Zemanta, you might want to start. Once it’s installed, simply go to the editing area of one of your old posts you think might be expandable (preferably a long one so Zemanta will have a good idea of the subject) and see which articles Zemanta recommends. One of these might inspire a new idea or give you stories to link to for your very own post like this one: a resources list. Read our Zemanta review for more information about how it works.

Tip #5
Use social networking sites to see what’s hot. You can get a quick idea of the latest buzz by seeing what everyone else is writing about. If you write book reviews on your blog, check out social networking sites devoted exclusively to book lovers.

As always, it’s a good idea to make things look pretty by using images in your posts. Images can also do wonders if you don’t have time to write a lot. You can use Zemanta for this. But if Zemanta doesn’t have what you need, see our free clip art collection, free cartoons or Stock.Xchng review for links to lots of quality free images. (The image in this post is from B S K of Stock.Xchng.)

I hope this resource list helps you stay on top of your content!

If you’re interested in relevant anchor text links for your content, visit R.T. Cunningham’s ConnectContent.

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7 Responses to “Web Content: Tips for Getting Something on the Page”

  1. I’ve had Zemanta installed awhile now and the only thing I don’t like about it as I type a post and it searches and finds either pics or references, it slows or causes a slight hop as I type. Does that happen to you? Otherwise I like it.

  2. Hi Loren/Gizmo: Yes, I experience that “hop” and it drives me nuts. Maybe I should look at it as a reminder to slow down and be more patient. I know the hop is coming every time I start or save a post, yet I try to beat it and start writing anyway.

    Or maybe it’s just an annoyance that no amount of patience will ever overcome. (I vote for the latter.)

    You’re right, though, other than that Zemanta is great. They just added the ability to choose from more than nine photos, so it’s more useful than ever.

  3. Nice list–especially considering you have a cold! I’m going to dig into that link to Lorelle’s site. And I’m determined to finally check out Zemanta!

  4. Thanks, JD. If you’re going to dig into Lorelle’s site, make sure to bring a shovel. Now that’s a list! It must have taken forever to compile. I respect her tenacity.

  5. I have been toying with tip #1 for sometime and your post serves as a timely reminder.

    Oh I love your site design..

  6. Thanks, Yan. I appreciate your kind words.

  7. Thanks for stopping by at my site too. I appreciate it.