Oddities from around the country
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November 11, 2007
Elvis is Alive Museum sells on eBay
* 81-year-old Baptist minister Bill Beeny sold the entire collection from his Elvis Is Alive Museum on eBay for $8,300. The collection includes a recording of The King’s voice that was supposedly made long after his death, and the casket and gravestone from his 1977 funeral. Beeny’s son Steve said his father would have liked the collection to stay in the family, but all his brothers and sisters “have real lives.â€
What a gentleman
* A 70-year-old man in Erie, Pennsylvania tried to solve his financial problems by robbing a bank. When police found him based on his description, he immediately apologized to them and asked to apologize to the teller. You just don’t see manners like that any more.
It’s not such a small world after all
* It might be that we’re all getting heavier. Consider the situation at Disneyland, where they plan to close the 41-year-old “It’s a Small World†ride in January to, among other things, deepen the canals that carry the boats. It seems the boats have been getting stuck at two places in the ride, causing employees to ask volunteers to get out to lighten the load. Some might blame it on the layers of fiberglass used to patch the canals over the years, but it’s awfully telling that Disney has also upped the largest uniform size they carry.
Charlton Heston isn’t such a bad guy after all
In an article on Tricky Movie Trivia, the author recounts her meeting with gun-toter Charlton Heston. It turns out he wasn’t such a bad guy at all.
Odd News by WordPlayBlog.com
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