Free Blog Promotion

Little man largeOpTempo offers free interviews and 125×125 ads

If you want free publicity for your blog (and who wouldn’t?), check out OpTempo’s self-interview form. Just fill out the questionnaire and, subject to approval, the interview about your blog will appear on OpTempo.

Once upon a time, free blog reviews also were available but those are no longer offered. If you look at previous reviews, however, you’ll see that OpTempo owner Frank Carr took the review process seriously and did a thorough job. You might want to look through some of the recommendations he made to see if any apply to your blog.

UPDATE (courtesy of Y.S. of My MD Journey): OpTempo also offers free 125×125 ads to bloggers.

Get motivated!

If you want to get motivated to use your blog for selling, let these sales motivation quotes inspire you!

More free promotion

Promote your blog by getting it listed in the human-reviewed Blog Collection. When you join, all subsequent members will include your URL in their blogrolls.  To apply, go to The Blog Collection.

Copyright 2008


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One Response to “Free Blog Promotion”

  1. Hi, this is a good one, will really help a lot most of all those new bloggers like me.