Welcome to Avatar Central!
A lot of people come to WordPlay looking for resources to create avatars, so I thought it would be helpful to aggregate all our tips and tools for making free avatars all in one place. This post contains everything you need to make an icon that’s uniquely yours: tips for creating a compelling avatar, sources for free clip art and free photos, and free image modification applications.
Gain readers with your blog’s avatar
The WordPlay icon Hall of Fame gives examples of good avatars, as well as explanations of why each attracted me to click on it. Sometimes the best icon isn’t fancy; it’s one that conveys in one glance the image you want to project.
Read more about what makes good avatars
Show your style with a Gravatar
What’s a Gravatar? It’s a globally recognized avatar that helps you make a lasting impression when you comment on blogs.
Read about Gravatars and get one (or more) free
Free Clip Art Sourcebook
This free PDF e-book contains links to literally thousands of free contemporary and vintage images you can use for avatars. It’s produced by our sister site, VintageHolidayCrafts.com, so we can vouch for the quality of the images!
Go to the Free Clip Art Sourcebook
Image Chef free images generator
Image Chef’s slogan is “just add words and serve†and they aren’t kidding. If you can point a mouse and type a word or two, you can create amazing custom-looking graphics, perfect for blog posts or avatars.
Read our Image Chef review or go to Image Chef
Picnik lets you create professional quality clip art!
There’s no software to download and it’s easy to use. Just follow the easy instructions and you’ll be creating your own cool clip art in no time.
Read our Picnik review or go to Picnik
Free photos
The Stock.Xchng site is searchable, easy to use and the selection of free photos is great. There are, however, a few very minor restrictions, which are covered in our review.
Read our Stock.Xchng review or go to Stock.Xchng
Free clip art
I’ve scoured the Web to bring you a collection of free clip art sites that don’t make you wade through page after page of affiliate ads and pop-ups to actually get to the art.
View our free clip art collection
BeFunky image modification
It’s easy to create stunning images with the free BeFunky online application. All you need is a photo or a clip art image and a few clicks to create one-of-a-kind avatars.
Read our BeFunky review or go to BeFunky
The free GIFWorks online allows you to create free images and have a blast while you do it.
Read our GIFWorks review or go to GIFWorks
Says-It.com badges and seals generators
These official-looking badges and seals help you interject a little fun into your blog or avatar.
Read our WordPlay Says-It review or go to Says-It badges or Says-It seal
Picasa image organization and modification
Now that you’re collecting all these cool images, the free Picasa software will let you organize them. It also lets you take them to the next level with their image modification tools, which are different than those offered by BeFunky or GIFWorks.
Read our Picasa review or download Picasa