Available in print and versions, this resource is a practical guide to editorial style. It’s hard to overestimate the influence this resource has on writers and editors everywhere. Although it was created to establish editorial standards for writers of academic works, the scope of its recommendations now cover the world of cyberspace.
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) book and Web site are divided into logical categories that cover all aspects of writing, from split infinitives to punctuation to how to capitalize the president of the United State’s title. (And no, you don’t get to decide that based on your opinion of him.)
Some examples of the questions the CMOS answers:
- What is the proper format for citing an information source?
- Which is correct: Web site, web site, website or Website?
- Should there be a comma after website in the question above?
- Which is correct, Boston Tea Party or Boston tea party?
Although the online version offers quick answers to a lot of questions that can pop up while writing, it doesn’t address all of them. You need the print version for that.
The online version is based on an annual subscription, but there is a 30-day free trial. Also, they offer a free-for-everyone FAQ that answers common grammar questions and doesn’t require registration to access.