A Big “Oops”

My apologies to any of my readers who were confused by the sudden appearance of health articles on WordPlay.

I’ve been transferring my health articles blog from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress. In doing so, I used WordPlay’s WordPress.com account to collect all the Blogger files and export them to the new blog. (I know it’s odd to use WordPress.com to transfer files from Blogger to WordPress.org, but it actually works.) When I transferred the files, I inadvertently ended up with all my health-related posts on WordPlay. I deleted most of them, but apparently I missed a few and some of you probably saw them.

Having said all that, I guess this is a good time to announce that WordPlay also will be moving blog platforms and will have its permanent home at www.WordPlayBlog.com. I plan to redirect the URLs, but anyone who has migrated a blog would probably tell you that there can sometimes be glitches along the way. So I hope you’ll be patient if you experience any difficulties when you come to WordPlay while it goes through the transition. The good news is that being on WordPress.org will allow me to expand WordPlay in a way I couldn’t on WordPress.com, so the move will be well worth it.

By the way, if you ever plan on migrating a blog from Blogger to WordPress.org, I highly recommend Blog Bloke’s Migrating-Redirecting Blogger to WordPress: The Complete Guide. Not only is the guide detailed and helpful, but Blog Bloke has been most generous about answering specific questions. I’d like to take this opportunity to publicly thank him for his help, because I literally wouldn’t have known where to begin without his guidance.

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2 Responses to “A Big “Oops””

  1. It is my pleasure Carla.

  2. Just wanted to stop in and say thanks for stopping by my site and saying hello. I like what I’ve seen of yours so far and will be back for more when bandwidth allows! Thanks again.